TC-ER Pair in a I.S. application

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New member
Buffalo, NY
What is required to do with the green wired added to a pair to get the TC-ER rating in an Intrinsically Safe circuit?

I know in a safe area I can just cut the green wire and cover with heat shrink. Can I do this in an Intrinsically Safe circuit?
What is required to do with the green wired added to a pair to get the TC-ER rating in an Intrinsically Safe circuit?

I know in a safe area I can just cut the green wire and cover with heat shrink. Can I do this in an Intrinsically Safe circuit?
Article 504 does not relax the requirements for grounding or bonding. See Sections 504.50 & 60.

It's likely you are not permitted to "...just cut the green wire and cover with heat shrink" in the unclassified location either. See Sections 504.50(A) and 504.60(B).
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