TC-ER passing through a Class I, Div 1 area

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A discussion at work involves running TC-ER tray cable through a Div 1 area and whether it is allowed. there is no termination within the Div 1 area, just that it intrudes on the cable tray. I know at that point it definitely needed to MC-HL. I've been trying to find code justification for doing so, but have not located anything yet. I had thought because it has a vapor-tight jacket, that it was allowed. any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
I think the code itself is the best answer.

501.10 Wiring Methods. Wiring methods shall comply
with 501.10(A) or (B).
(A) Class I, Division 1.

If it is not found here, you can't use it.

One exception to the rules found here would be IS circuits which are covered in chapter 504.

504.20 Wiring Methods. Any of the wiring methods suitable
for unclassified locations, including those covered by
Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, shall be permitted for installing
intrinsically safe apparatus.
A discussion at work involves running TC-ER tray cable through a Div 1 area and whether it is allowed. there is no termination within the Div 1 area, just that it intrudes on the cable tray. I know at that point it definitely needed to MC-HL. I've been trying to find code justification for doing so, but have not located anything yet. I had thought because it has a vapor-tight jacket, that it was allowed. any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

From what I can find, TC-ER is only suitable for Div 2 locations. On the other hand, I'd think you'd have more issues with sealing the wall penetration for the cable tray in an XP rated area.
I concur with petersonra's answer above.

A bit more specific, wires and conductors specifically listed in Section 501.10(A)(1) are the only ones permitted; all others are prohibited. Technically, Intrinsic Safety is a protection technique [Sec 500.7(E)]; it has its own set of application rules. [Art 504] Some of those rules are much more onerous than recognized. That's why it has an Article all of its own.
Thanks, all. i agree with everything said, just looking to see if there was any wiggle room. Just spent the last half hour with the process guy and the 3-D model and have found that we can move either the Div 1 source or the tray and keep everything happily in Div 2 with minimal pain and suffering. yet another step in the life long learning process.
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