In looking at a coordination study I noticed the following:
Main switchgear consist of 480V ANSI Sw. Gear. [single ended] with LVPCB's and electronic trip units
Feeder No.2 is a 800A feeder with parallel 600's per phase to a 800A dist. panel
The dist. panel [main lug only] is listed with a 65kAIC rating [3-cycle bus bracing]
The instantenous pickup on Feeder No.2 is set above 65k amps [set to 70k]
Is the equipment still properly protected? the clearing time of the 65k rating would be into the short time setting on the breaker exceeding the 3-cycle rating of the dist. panel.
Should [I believe] the instantenous maximum setting be at 65k to match the dist. panel 3-cycle rating to provide proper equipment protection? wanted to get your thoughts?
Main switchgear consist of 480V ANSI Sw. Gear. [single ended] with LVPCB's and electronic trip units
Feeder No.2 is a 800A feeder with parallel 600's per phase to a 800A dist. panel
The dist. panel [main lug only] is listed with a 65kAIC rating [3-cycle bus bracing]
The instantenous pickup on Feeder No.2 is set above 65k amps [set to 70k]
Is the equipment still properly protected? the clearing time of the 65k rating would be into the short time setting on the breaker exceeding the 3-cycle rating of the dist. panel.
Should [I believe] the instantenous maximum setting be at 65k to match the dist. panel 3-cycle rating to provide proper equipment protection? wanted to get your thoughts?