Temp dielectric breakdown

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Does Anyone know where I could find a site or page about the temperature that NM-B etc cables can handle. Specifically lower temp, anywhere 0 to -50 F? Living in Alaska and looking to replace damaged cable outside from the prior "Harry the home owner" did. Not knowing how the cable was damaged just assuming weather related. It's UF cable, suitable for outdoor applications exposed at these temps?
breakdown of cable material

breakdown of cable material


Maybe some MSDS sheets would give this information, if any can be found, or maybe try contacting the cable manufacturer directly.

I am jealous that you live in AK and I dont :)

Good luck,

If it's outside cable, look at the yellow "arctic" SO cord (rated to -50). Where are you working, Fairbanks, Delta, or slope? i don't miss anything from -20 on down, have 40 years 'around Anchorage' and south central.
SO code is for flexible exposed application, not fixed underground application.

My _guess_ is that low temperatures are not themselves damaging the wires, but instead that the insulation gets more brittle in the cold, and then ground movement causes the damage.

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