Temp: feed a 2pole breaker with a Twin 120v on both phases

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Electric Supply Sales
I just had the bottom contact of 1 phase in my tight 24circ 200A panel burn up due to the bottom breakers making too much heat.
2 qauds at the bottom . On the left a 4040quad (AC & oven), on the right a quad 2p50 (central) + 2x 1p 20's (outer) (for an outdoor spa panel and 2 kitchen circuits)
The outside "spa" panel is just feeding several convenience 5-15 outlets for cams and wi-fi on the deck (not a spa) and no 220v circuits.

So over time the AC/oven/&kitchen burned up the bottom leg of my panel and the bottom contacts of both quad breakers.
Luckily several my arc-faults kept tripping and warned me. I replaced them but still heard crackling. Then the smell of burning plastic...

I know have to do some re-arranging, and clean up that last contact, but the panel is so tight I just want a quick fix until I get to it just to restore my outdoor spa panel to get my security cams back online.

Can I put a twin 2020 on the one un-burnt phase above to feed the 2p50 amp spa panel main? (splicing the 50a wires to 12ga and then into the twin 2020).
IMO both phases at the spa panel will be separate 120v (but the same phase) to feed the two 120v breakers in the panel.
but is that OK temporarily?
I have 30+ years in the business selling supplies but no in field experience or license so I just want to be cautious and ask.

If not, worst case I will feed one phase and go to the panel and rearrange those two SP breakers in it. Just more work (and curious anyhow).

TY in advance.
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i missed the 10 minute edit:
so this one part is clarified here :

"So over time the AC/oven/&kitchen burned up the bottom leg of my panel and the bottom contacts of both quad breakers.
Luckily several my arc-faults kept tripping and warned me. I replaced them but still heard crackling. Then the smell of burning plastic..."

add: +my new air fryer and refridge were both on one of the two kitchen circuits (I had always thought the refridge was on a dedicated circuit).
I moved the air fryer to circ 2; getting a new circuit to the refridge is another matter
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