Temp poles?

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Senior Member
Aurora, Colorado
Your new here, in regards to posting. Start catching up to some of the heavy hitters here, and you will fit in nicely. ;):grin::cool:

Hmmm, not sure what all that means.

Didnt mean to disrespect anyone, if so, I apologize.

Yes, I am new to posting here, however I had been lurking around here a few years before I registered. I have learned alot from the folks here. I've seen how to look, approach things from different angles, thought processes, I never considered before. And spent many, many hours,(and still do) weeding through all the extra stuff just to get to the answers. Its just frustratring sometimes trying to better myself, gain more knowledge, learn different viewpoints, further distance myself as an electrician from an installer or monkey.

I'm self taught, never did an apprenticeship. I know, shame on me, shame on my past employers,etc...as such, I have had to work 2-3 times harder than those with formal training. But that has taught me to seek as many different answers from as many different folks as possible.
IE...theres many different ways to skin a cat, etc.....get as many ideas, experiences,from others and mold them into what works for me, and in turn...hopefully train others to be better than myself.


Senior Member
new york
As you might have found out...you wont always get a simple straight answer to whatever question you ask around here. You will get preaching, or stoning, or hint of the answer, or sidestepping, etc...and occasionally a few real answers. :roll:

So..here is my answer to your request:

I havent set a pole in several years, but when we did, it was sometimes a 4x4x12 set 3' in ground, braced, with 2" GRC extended 3' above pole. Mast knob set 1' below weatherhead. So point of attachment was 11' above ground.
Other times it was a 4x4x8 on cross legs like tree stand, GRC and the rest would be same.
Typical tractor trailor height max is 14' so let your conscience be your guide.
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