Temporary pole construction

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Owensboro, KY
Hello all, I am wanting to build 3-5 temporary poles for upcoming jobs. In the past I have always just bought used poles from newspaper ads for 100-150 bucks. The recent decline in construction has made these ads practically nonexistent. I have two pole sets that I have used several times too many and would like to build a few new ones to use and reuse as needed. My question is does anyone know of a reputable online supplier that offers a premade panel for a decent price? Just need the standard panel with breakers, a 30-50A 240V receptacle and a GFCI receptacle. I got a deal on several meter sockets and I can get new(used) poles for next to nothing. Thanks in advance for all your help. Isaiah

?Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.?
Dr. Seuss
z?electric said:
Hello all... My question is does anyone know of a reputable online supplier that offers a premade panel for a decent price?

I don't know of one.
I don't see much of a market for all new gear.

Every temp power set up I've worked with has been a collection of used components accumulated during demo's and remodels BECAUSE it is going to be left out in the weather on a jobsite for weeks or months and subject to damage and abuse and even theft.

(Re)building the doghouse and other plywood is usually from salvaged too.
The uglier and nastier the gear is the longer they seem to last. ;)
Our POCO only requires a 4x4 post braced with 2x4s with at least 12ft to knob a 16 ft post works well at about 45.00 a 100a meter at 40.00 a GE 8 circuit panel at 50.00 a stick of 1 1/4 emt 3 runs 2al a 1 1/4 weather head 2 straps a ground rod bushings and nipples 2 bell boxes gfi receptacle covers runs another 50 I get the thing built in about 2 hours under 350.00 dollars add 150.00 to install charge 500.00 for temp power set up.I usually replace GFis and covers but everything else lasts for several jobs so 500.00 for next job using old setup.If you can get more $ for set up that is great remember you price to your market and I price to mine.
Rewire said:
Our POCO only requires a 4x4 post braced with 2x4s with at least 12ft to knob a 16 ft post works well at about 45.00 a 100a meter at 40.00 a GE 8 circuit panel at 50.00 a stick of 1 1/4 emt 3 runs 2al a 1 1/4 weather head 2 straps a ground rod bushings and nipples 2 bell boxes gfi receptacle covers runs another 50 I get the thing built in about 2 hours under 350.00 dollars add 150.00 to install charge 500.00 for temp power set up.I usually replace GFis and covers but everything else lasts for several jobs so 500.00 for next job using old setup.If you can get more $ for set up that is great remember you price to your market and I price to mine.
my supply house sells then for $140.00 underground and $190.00 for overhead already made up ready to go.
i have also used these:http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs...3&productId=100116716&N=10000003+90001+501245
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I'm not sure I'd ever buy anything special. I make t-poles out of a collection of junk, since they get abused and busted up anyhow. My "in use covers" on t-poles are a big flap of old rubber roofing.
Rewire said:
Your link says product not available,never had a supply house sell temp poles ready to go what exactly do you get?
its not available to order online,but all the hds around here carry them.the ones my supply house sells is one of thses on 4x4 post with either conduit run down pole for underground or run up to weather head for over head.#2 al run in the conduits with grounding wire run down.all you do is set it and drive the rod and hook it up.next time i am there i will get a pic
JohnJ0906 said:
I suspect they are more effective than actual in-use covers... that no one will close anyway. :wink:
Not only won't close them, but they often just plain get removed and tossed in the bin. At least a Red Dot cover will close itself when they take their cords out at the end of the day.
Around here, I mostly see these in use. They're pretty durable, and cover the needs of a house pretty well. Not sure on price, but I think they're around $150 without the post.


For commercial, I've seen no pattern besides used and abused equipment. :)

I do like metal in-use covers, the plastic intermatic ones are beneath junk status for the application.
z?electric said:
...a 30-50A 240V receptacle and a GFCI receptacle. ...

Do you need the 240 Volt receptacles? Your local jurisdiction may require them to be on a GFCI as well. If so, figure the cost of the GFCI breakers.

A local city started to require GFCI protection on the 240 volt receptacles. Most electrical contractors started getting rid of the 240 volt receptacles since they were too costly.

Welcome to the forum.:)


yep, bought the $110 Lowes panel and it failed inspection due to the lack of the 2 pole GFI breaker. That means my two old poles will have to be modified too. YAY!!! for local adoption and interpretation of code changes. Oh well, can't criticize the guys that mandate that Joe Homeowner calls me for his service upgrade. I do feel it necessary though to start a new thread about a recent job that ended up being pro bono due to the inspector. Woohoo!
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