590.6(B) Use of Other Outlets. For temporary wiring installations,
receptacles, other than those covered by 590.6(A)(1)
through (A)(3) used to supply temporary power to equipment
used by personnel during construction, remodeling,
maintenance, repair, or demolition of buildings, structures,
or equipment, or similar activities, shall have protection in
accordance with (B)(1) or the assured equipment grounding
conductor program in accordance with (B)(2).
(1) GFCI Protection. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection
for personnel.
(2) Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program.
A written assured equipment grounding conductor program
continuously enforced at the site by one or more designated
persons to ensure that equipment grounding conductors for
all cord sets, receptacles that are not a part of the permanent
wiring of the building or structure, and equipment connected
by cord and plug are installed and maintained in
accordance with the applicable requirements of 250.114,
250.138, 406.4(C), and 590.4(D).
(a) The following tests shall be performed on all cord
sets, receptacles that are not part of the permanent wiring of
the building or structure, and cord-and-plug-connected equipment
required to be connected to an equipment grounding
(1) All equipment grounding conductors shall be tested for
continuity and shall be electrically continuous.
(2) Each receptacle and attachment plug shall be tested for
correct attachment of the equipment grounding conductor.
The equipment grounding conductor shall be connected
to its proper terminal.
(3) All required tests shall be performed as follows:
a. Before first use on site
b. When there is evidence of damage
c. Before equipment is returned to service following
any repairs
d. At intervals not exceeding 3 months
(b) The tests required in item (2)(a) shall be recorded
and made available to the authority having jurisdiction.