Temporary walkway shelter bonding/grounding

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Senior Member
I need to run temporary lights within a temporary walkway shelter. It is to shield from construction work above. It is made out of metal, so I need to ground it. The feeder to it will be done through an aerial overhead connection. My question is do I just tap off the Equipment grounding conductor and bond to the metal of the shelter, or do I need to treat the shelter like structural steel 250.104(D) where I need to bond it to either the Service equipment enclosure, grounded conductor at the service, disconnecting means for buildings or structures supplied by a feeder or branch circuit, grounding electrode conductor (if so sufficiently size), one or more grounding electrodes used, if the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper to the grounding electrode is of sufficient size? (I am hoping its not the latter since none of the options are anywhere near the temporary shelter)
250.104(C) may apply here. If there is exposed metal structure it requires bonding if it is "likely to become energized". If the temporary lights are run in a non-metallic jacketed cable wiring method, and that wiring method is attached to the metal structure in a manner that an "insulation failure" could energize the structural metal, the bonding is required.
250.104(C) may apply here. If there is exposed metal structure it requires bonding if it is "likely to become energized". If the temporary lights are run in a non-metallic jacketed cable wiring method, and that wiring method is attached to the metal structure in a manner that an "insulation failure" could energize the structural metal, the bonding is required.
And by "bonding is required" you mean bonding to the items I listed above. Not simply bonding the metal frame to the EGC that is run with the lighting branch circuit.
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