Tenant space fed by house panel

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have a commercial tenant space in strip mall one floor setting whose power and light is being fed from Landlord House panel. House panel has main breaker and is fed from trough which is fed from main service disconnect.

The House panel also fed common area lights, power, elevator etc.

Typically from trough separate disconnect is provided which feeds tenant space however at this location no separate disconnect just fed from House Panel. Does code allow this?
Thanks Charlie for the clarification. The tenant must have "ready access" to the "readily accessible" overcurrent devices for their space.
Devil may be in the details :) Note there is "unless otherwise permitted" in that Section which might apply depending on the mall.
Please see attached. Panels with points label A,B are both house panels fed from House Panel Disco from service equipment.

would feeding from from house panels label points A and B to tenant space be compliant with 210.25(B)?


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The way I intrepret 210.25(B), common areas cannot be supplied by tenant panels. Your description shows tenant spaces proposed to be fed from the house panels, which takes us back to accessibility of those panels to the tenants in 240.24(B). Literally taken, your proposal does not appear to violate 210.25(B).
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