Terminal for Bend Radius Table

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Product Engineer
I am trying to determine the proper bend radius for connection points on a UPS. Does the lug crimped to the cable count as part of the cable or part of the terminal for measuring bend radius distance when attached to a busbar?
Additionally Since the lug lays against the busbar then gets bolted to the busbar, does this count as "lay-in" style terminal?
The code only requires bending space, and does not specify a bending radius for single conductors 1000 volts or less.
The code only requires bending space, and does not specify a bending radius for single conductors 1000 volts or less.
My apologies for not being 100% correct in my terminology, thanks for the correction.
I am referring to bend space, table 312.6(B)(2)
Based on Note 1 to 312.6, I would say the end of the lug counts as the measuremetn and IMHO what you describe would be a "lay-in" terminal.
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