Terminating EGC at Panel

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Does the EGC routed with the feeder conductors to a panel have to be terminated at the equipment ground bar or can it be terminated to a lug that is adequately attached to the panel itself say via machine screw and nut?

Scenario is oversized EGC routed with feeder conductors that is too big for the equipment ground bar. I would think that I can install a one hole lug and fasten to panel as above. 408.40 tells me that the only time that the EGC with the feeder conductors needs to be connected to the equipment ground bar is if panel is non metallic. Not the case here. This leads me to believe that connecting the feeder EGC to the metal of the panel would be acceptable. Am I looking at this correctly?
Sounds fine to me as long as there is no paint in the way. We do this in large disconnect switches all of the time.
It can, but you can also purchase lugs for larger wire that will attach to your ground bar from most if not all panel manufacturers.
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