Test separation via Excel

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
I need to separate text in an Excel SS.

data: Last Name, First: 22345-job description

I would like to separate at the :

Results would be Last Name, First in one cell with the rest in the second. Is some one up to telling me what @function that would be? I think I have done it before but CRS is more significant every day.
You have to use the find function to find where in the string the colon is first.


Where the string you want to search is in cell a2.

Iirc, the -1 returns all characters to the left of the :.

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On the data tab select text to columns, then select your delimiters. For yours it would be colon
I remember using a formula but I don't remember what it was.. Parse doesn't sound familiar. Smart$ was really good at this stuff... I miss him.
I just learned an interesting method

Col A has the data-- first name last name
In col B type the first name hit enter and go to the cell below and type ctrl "E" .. It will copy all the first names
Do the same for the last names.
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