Testing- Patient Care Areas

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First post here,,,,, go easy on me.
I did a search on this forum and didn't see a discussion on this specific question.

The TDH (Texas Dept of Health), in accorcance w/ NFPA 99, is requiring us to test the receptacles in the Patient Care areas to ensure that the resistance is less than .1 ohms.

What method or meter do you (all) recommend? I've heard that a "True RMS Meter" will work.
I hope they were not installed as per 517.16.:smile:

Does true RMS have anything to do with the ohm-meter function of a multi-meter?

EDIT: Welcome to the Forums.
chris kennedy said:
I hope they were not installed as per 517.16.:smile:

Good point..... these were added (by someone else) to an existing facility and they want ME (an Electrical Contractor) to help them out on their TDH inspection.

chris kennedy said:
Does true RMS have anything to do with the ohm-meter function of a multi-meter?

It shouldn't.... but about 10 yrs ago, my flawed memory is telling me that a TDH Inspector told my crew that "the Testing Meter had to be at least a True RMS Meter in order to get accurate results."
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