Thank You

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Senior Member
I wish I could meet some of you guy and also the gusy on these videos. I am 49 and learning on my own. It is hard but I believe God has lead me to this website and I wanted to say thank you for all your help. Learning about electricity is building my faith and allowing me to help support my family. I was scared of electricity but now I am not. I am learning from you guys and I hope one day sign off on my Master License and get the all important number so I can pull permits to install my generators on my own and other work as well. Again thank all of you. Jeramie Pluemer
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I wish I could meet some of you guy and also the gusy on these videos. I am 49 and learning on my own. It is hard but I believe God has lead me to this website and I wanted to say thank you for all your help. Learning about electricity is building my faith and allowing me to help support my family. I was scared of electricity but now I am not. I am learning from you guys and I hope one day sign off on my Master License and get the all important number so I can pull permits to install my generators on my own and other work as well. Again thank all of you. Jeramie Pluemer
Awesome! Keep up the hard work.
I started in the trade as a blank canvas knowing nothing.

Still so much to learn but I like you thank God for the opportunity and determination to grow in this field.

Lots of learning in the field but I would say most of the Code learning came from studying, this forum, and running into unknown situations in the field and having to research a compliant way to do it.

Only formal training I had was in high school and i didn’t even let that penetrate my thick skull at that point lol.

Where are you from?
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