Re: Thanks
What I like best goes beyond what I have learned, and beyond what I have helped others learn. What I like best is the spirit of cooperation.
The membership of this site includes electricians, contractors, inspectors, manufacturers, vendors, engineers, students, and I can't begin to guess what else. It is not often that such a variety of occupations can find a common vehicle for communication. It is less often that nearly 25,000 persons can find, as their common purpose for visiting a web site, a desire to learn, and to teach, and to share experiences, and to make the industry better for our participation.
We have Master Electricians and we have members with Masters Degrees. We have Journeymen nearing retirement, and we have first year Apprentices, and we have High School students contemplating a career in our industry. We have engineering students and we have licensed Professional Engineers. We have men, and we have women, and we have members who believe themselves too young to embrace those descriptive terms. We have members of Code Committees and we have members who are just trying to learn what the code is all about. We have eloquent writers, and we have skilled debaters, and we have members who struggle to find words that accurately convey the nature of their concerns.
There are signs that speak to me of the wide diversity in the ethnic origins of our membership. We endeavor to treat them all the same, for the "them" to whom we speak is essentially an "us," and not a "them."
I have very seldom read a post in which a member suggested that it might be acceptable to do something unsafe. In all such cases, the rest of the membership joined in to voice their disapproval of unsafe practices.
But first and foremost, we are all professionals. I am both honored and proud to be a part of it all.