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Lets just say being a gofer gets boring after a while. Sometimes you wanna be the one making connections. I mean for the first couple of weeks cleanin up after the guy was tolerable you know I didnt care because I was finally working...but its starting to get old and its like he's doin it on purpose but whatever it comes with the territory and it has to be done if I want to continue with my remaining 7530 hours of my apprenticship. But on a lighter note Ive done....well observed alot in the past month. Everything from rinky dinky 4 20 amp fuse panels to 3phase 400 amp panels. (Where still waiting for them to break ground on the 1000 amp service) I pretty much do the basic stuff staple wire, receptacles and switches, measuring and cutting pipe to size. but mostly its get me inch and qtr. s.r screws. Hey I got wacked the other day that was fun. I kept my mouth shut i didnt wanna look like an idiot. Lets see what else......i can say this, this guy taught me that using all those fancy calculations to bend offsets and sattles are a waste of time it can all be done by eye and ive seen him do it. Ive been dyin the past couple of days because weve been in an attic runnin a feed for this guy central ac unit. Can i get some water or something?????? But yeah thats enough for now talk to you dudes later.