The One Man Show

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I need some tips to being a one man show Ive always worked with a helper but I started a business in July I am making more then when I worked for someone but I don't have the amount of work to hire someone full time.The biggest problems I'm having is small stuff like snaking and cleaning up that I could use a helper. Any advice is appreciated other think I'm in North Jersey and Ive been charging $90 an hour am I high its what my old boss would charge for one man.I do mostly Residential work.
Don't feel lonesome, I work for an employer and yet I work alone every day, you just get used to the extra time needed for cleanup, as far as snaking, I just do it, sometimes it just involves a few extra trips up a flight of stairs... :grin:
Jerseydaze said:
I need some tips to being a one man show Ive always worked with a helper but I started a business in July I am making more then when I worked for someone but I don't have the amount of work to hire someone full time.The biggest problems I'm having is small stuff like snaking and cleaning up that I could use a helper. Any advice is appreciated other think I'm in North Jersey and Ive been charging $90 an hour am I high its what my old boss would charge for one man.I do mostly Residential work.

1st...a quick business many men did your old boss have working? how much money did he spend getting the work for them? do you know what his OH per man hour was? my guess is a lot lower than your current OH/man hour figure...

in otherwords, he made more per hour after costs than you do (not including the salary you are paying yourself right now)

2nd....look into Rack A Tiers to start. They have a bunch of labor saving devices. Then learn how to think your way through the job from start to finish...step by step...this will allow you to figure out the most efficient way to do it....(i.e if you are installing recessed lights, a switch and a dedicated outlet - all through an attic- set it up so that you only have to go into the attic one time.) Envelopes taped open under where you cut in a wall box catch 95% of the dust and debris, making clean up easy....if you do a lot of recessed lighting and/or installing ceiling fan boxes, get one of the swivel screwdrivers and an adjustable hole saw with housing...throw in a self leveling laser plumb bob and you can install recessed lights/fan boxes in 1/2 the time with 1/3 the clean up required.

and read EC Magazines "Ideas that Work"
working alone

working alone

Hey Jersey I work alone most of the time. On jobs you feel like you need a helper, hire one. There are a lot of young guns that are wanting the ojt.Remember to really be safe working alone! You will find and create your own ways to make it. And remember, your last job you worked by the hour, now you do not have to. Do you just want to make money? Or do you want to make money and build a business! See my recent thread on pricing. If we think we are not charging enough, we are probally not!! Good Luck!
ItsHot said:
Hey Jersey I work alone most of the time. On jobs you feel like you need a helper, hire one.

It's really not that simple....W-4's, workman's comp., etc etc etc for 1 day for 1 man?
The paperwork alone makes it a 2 day job :smile:
celtic said:
It's really not that simple....W-4's, workman's comp., etc etc etc for 1 day for 1 man?
The paperwork alone makes it a 2 day job :smile:

Companies have no trouble with renting tools so why not rent people?

In this area there are temp. agencies that will rent you a helper and do all the paper work. If you just need a guy for a couple of days it's cheaper to pay a temp. service than going through all the paper work.

It's also a good way to check out performance. If you will pay the service for two months you can hire the worker at no added cost. If they don't work out you can just send them back and get another one.

I have seen whole jobs staffed with temp. employees.
growler said:
Companies have no trouble with renting tools so why not rent people?

In this area there are temp. agencies that will rent you a helper and do all the paper work. If you just need a guy for a couple of days it's cheaper to pay a temp. service than going through all the paper work.

It's also a good way to check out performance. If you will pay the service for two months you can hire the worker at no added cost. If they don't work out you can just send them back and get another one.

I have seen whole jobs staffed with temp. employees.

That is a nice idea, but in my state they must be employees under your direct control, subs, and agency people are not employees. You have electricans profeassional employees, not day labors.

Don't forget when your a one man show, your a no man show if you get hurt, or get sick, your in trouble and usually doing in debt a mile a minute. One man run it all, all looks good as long as nothing goes wrong.
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celtic said:
It's really not that simple....W-4's, workman's comp., etc etc etc for 1 day for 1 man?
The paperwork alone makes it a 2 day job :smile:

Now is that any different if the man is hired through a Temp. Service? Is anything ELSE required by the Employer, in respects to their own insurance, and who is covering the Workers comp. in this Temp Hire (placement - job service)? I understand when to Worker Componsate if hiring, but temp. I don't know.
I'll have to remember this, if and when, I take that leap!
stickboy1375 said:
Don't feel lonesome, I work for an employer and yet I work alone every day, you just get used to the extra time needed for cleanup, as far as snaking, I just do it, sometimes it just involves a few extra trips up a flight of stairs... :grin:

Me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. But, not having to worry about what your partner might do when you are in another room does relieve a lot of stress, at least for me. No questions, no explaining, just get a plan and do it!
I have worked for technical staffing agencies and have had excellent experiences. I have been sent to good paying projects, some have lasted for months.

I just have to accept that when the project is over, it's over.

I would frequently work for the same shops repeatedly.

If I found myself working for a hack shop, I could tell the agency that I wanted a new assignment. It was never a problem, as I was never the only one to walk off.

I had a great relationship with one agency for about a year. It was fun until I found perm. work with a good contractor.
satcom said:
That is a nice idea, but in my state they must be employees under your direct control, subs, and agency people are not employees. You have electricans profeassional employees, not day labors.

Satcom, there are agencies here in NJ that will provide electricians (and other tradespeople) to contractors. The contractor pays the agency and the agency pays the electrician. Are you saying that this arrangement is not legal?
JES2727 said:
Satcom, there are agencies here in NJ that will provide electricians (and other tradespeople) to contractors. The contractor pays the agency and the agency pays the electrician. Are you saying that this arrangement is not legal?

You bet it's not legal in New Jersey. Licensed electrical contractors must have direct control over the employee.
satcom said:
You bet it's not legal in New Jersey. Licensed electrical contractors must have direct control over the employee.

Why would you not have direct control over a temp. worker? You tell them what time to show up, what time for break, what time to eat lunch, when it's quit'n time. You tell them what equipment to bring, hard hat, boots, safety glasses and hand tools. If they need a journeyman's card they have to have one. They don't supply any materials or have any say about how the job is bid or run. You supervise the work just as you are supposed to do on any other job. They work for you, they just get paid by someone else.

Would you have any more control over any employee?

They can make a case for it being illegal even here but it hasn't stopped anyone, yet. All of the bigger companies that I know of use temps. from time to time.
I have some interesting methods for certain one man (2 guy) jobs.

I have been doing much the same as with this tool via a steel plumb bob and an industrial magnet for years. (Athough I have been tempted to buy one.) Or a fish-stick some string with a washer, and a magnet...

Pulling wire in conduit myself - I either set up the reels so they feed direct with lots of lube. Or pull a string in first then run it back to where I can feed and pull at the same time - I have even tied the string to a half full roll of #12 and dropped it out a window so it will have tension as I feed it from the other side - re-tie the roll higher up and feed again...

Back in the day - when Buchanan was still Buchanan - they made some pulleys for pulling through LB's and T's and such - I still have one left and it helps alot. Don't think you can get them anymore....

Use of a line laser when drilling holes in framing keeps the holes really straight - and pulling all types of cable is easier - even if many consider this a one man thing, if they are straight you can pull farther faster, and sometimes around corners that would've been a 3-point pull. I lube wood framing too....

Hmmm, lets see, creative use of rope, framing clamps and car jacks...

And of course - "Hey buddy (framer or plumber) - could ya give me a hand here for a moment?" Remember to return the favor!
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