I have some interesting methods for certain one man (2 guy) jobs.
I have been doing much the same as with
this tool via a steel plumb bob and an industrial magnet for years. (Athough I have been tempted to buy one.) Or a fish-stick some string with a washer, and a magnet...
Pulling wire in conduit myself - I either set up the reels so they feed direct with lots of lube. Or pull a string in first then run it back to where I can feed and pull at the same time - I have even tied the string to a half full roll of #12 and dropped it out a window so it will have tension as I feed it from the other side - re-tie the roll higher up and feed again...
Back in the day - when Buchanan was still Buchanan - they made some pulleys for pulling through LB's and T's and such - I still have one left and it helps alot. Don't think you can get them anymore....
Use of a line laser when drilling holes in framing keeps the holes
really straight - and pulling all types of cable is easier - even if many consider this a one man thing, if they are straight you can pull farther faster, and sometimes around corners that would've been a 3-point pull. I lube wood framing too....
Hmmm, lets see, creative use of rope, framing clamps and car jacks...
And of course - "Hey buddy (framer or plumber) - could ya give me a hand here for a moment?" Remember to return the favor!