the reason for asking three times

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the reason i asked three times is that i didnt have messenger added when i registered so i could not answer someone directly so i wasnt trying to be rude for those who thought i was but thanks for the help

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: the reason for asking three times

You don't need "messenger." By the way, most of us refer to that feature as "Private Messages." You may elect to accept them, or you may not. It is your choice.

But look at the bottom of this thing I am typing. You will see three "buttons." They say "New Question or Topic," then "New Poll," and finally "Post Reply."

If you hit the "Post Reply" button, what you type next will show up as a continuation of the same "thread." But if you hit the "New Question or Topic" button, it starts a brand new thread, and it is not linked to your first question.


Re: the reason for asking three times


At the risk of being critical, (not my intention), might I make a suggestion. When using text messaging, please try to watch your punctuation and grammar. Using all lower case, no punctuation, and atypical acronyms makes your posts difficult to read.

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