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Dear Bob, I could just ask some nobody no-nothing at Bubba's DIY Garage but I won't. I came here because of your expertise. I have several copies of the NEC and I will use that along with other calculators online to create a safe and hopefully code compliant plan to wire this subpanel. That's a sad rule that I can't ask what if questions of the true experts. Seems to me that a rule like that would cost life and property in the long run. If your opinions and answers are reserved for 'qualified' electricians then you have to ask yourself why are these qualified electricians asking questions in the first place. I was a Journeyman Electrician for around 4 years in the past. Wiring swimming pools no less. In my shop I've wired 5 rooms and a welding booth in various configurations. That includes the services from the meter to my Manufactured home and my shop. I just don't have the money it would take to have all of this wiring done professionally. I've studied everything I could to do it up to the standards of he NEC. But reading the NEC is like studying the Bible. Sometimes you just have to ask the preacher his opinion!
Bob is but one member of this forum. Addressing a comment to one person really doesn’t make sense.

That said, I am closing this thread in accordance with forum rules. If you are not an electrician, we are not permitted to assist you in performing your own electrical installation or maintenance work. You would have had to agree with that rule during the process of registering on the forum.

The reason is that the forum’s owner (Mike Hole) does not want a person to get an answer to the question they asked, but not get answers to the dozens of other questions they should have asked and were unaware they needed to ask. We don’t know, and can’t know, how much of the fundamentals of electrical theory and practice that you already understand. Mike doesn’t want anyone to get injured by any incidents related to electrical installations. But he also doesn’t want to be sued by the injured party’s relatives on the basis of the forum members not telling you enough to keep you safe.

There are other web sites that support DIYs. Please seek for assistance from one of them.
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