Theroy ??

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Senior Member
If you wrapped a conductor with 32amp 4 times around a clamp on meter what would your current be? What formala do u use?
Re: Theroy ??

Current passing through a wire creates a magnetic field that surrounds the wire. If you wrap the wire four times in a loop, the total magnetic field is multiplied by a factor of four. The clamp-on meter measures the magnetic field. It thinks it is getting a field that would be associated with 128 amps worth of current, and that is what it will tell you.

By the way, the way you chose to word your question leaves room for confusion:
Originally posted by nicknorth: what would your current be?
If you mean, ?What is the actual current,? then the answer is that the actual current would still be 32 amps. You do not change the current in the wire by simply wrapping it in a loop (ASIDE: let?s disregard any changes in impedance on this one).

But if you mean, ?What will the meter show as the current reading,? then the answer is that the meter will tell you that the current is 128 amps, as explained above.

I don?t know which question you had intended to ask.
Re: Theroy ??

Thanks I totally understand know. It was a theroy question on my Admin test for WA state. I passed the test, but wasn't 100% sure about this one.
Re: Theroy ??

Originally posted by physis:
Bob, did you test it? :D
I may have experimented with certain things. :D

Amprobe also sells an accessory for amp clamps that does exactly the same thing. It has holes for the clamp at x0, x10 and x100.

It is used to measure the amperage on cord and plug connected equipment.
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