thhn/xhhw wire pull

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Senior Member
is one harder than the other to pull and if so why? i think i recall xhhw is more difficult. engineers seem to always ask for xhhw when using aluminum.
I don't think there is any difference in pulling. XHHW is much more beastly to make up than THHN because it's stiffer and harder to strip.

I don't know if simpul makes XHHW. I've only seen it in THHN. That would make a difference. Simpul is the greatest thing that ever happened to pulling wire.
With a gallon of soapy water or wire lube in the conduit it all pulls easy...

Ever seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean? Remember the scene where the Kraken comes out of water and blows snot all over Johnny Depp's character? That's enough wire lube... LOL.

Name brand Romex is much easier to strip then other nonmetallic cable types. And with coax and Cat6, just buy name brand stuff. Cheap stuff will have visible errors in the coax, and I once bought some cheap Cat5e where the jacket would not stop splitting, and there was no pull string in it either... tangled horribly, went straight to the recycle yard. Belden or Commscope would be my choices.

I relay this information to the original poster because he is bound to do limited energy at some point if he hasn't already, and those guys need the right products too. oh, and never ever ever spec tool-less keystone jacks...
is one harder than the other to pull and if so why? i think i recall xhhw is more difficult. engineers seem to always ask for xhhw when using aluminum.
If I want aluminum XHHW is all my supply houses have other then direct bury rated USE, or dual rated USE/ RHW.

If I want copper THHN/THWN is usually about all they have for single conductors. More recently it has been "simpull" or other manufacturers equivalent.
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