Thick as steel

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Senior Member
I have to run my power inside steel columns. I'm not sure the thickness but if I had to guess I would say it's about 3/8" thick. Anyone know any good methods? I can go as big as 1 1/4" before the column starts losing strength. I may try to torch it then grind it or use a drill with a drill bit or hole saw. I have made holes with hole saws through steel before and it is a slow process with a lot of hole saws ruined. I'm thinking of running MC to keep the holes small. There has to be some good methods.
Let's try a different view, how about using a MIG welder, or a stick welder, and welding strut to the metal?
I agree with Marc. Sprinkler fitters use these all of the time to tap into existing sprinkler lines. They are fast and simple to use.
"I can go as big as 1 1/4" before the column starts losing strength."

Make sure you have that signed and sealed before you make those 1-1/4 holes. as long as someone is willing to put it in writing, I say drill away, you would be supprised what you can build with strut, and connectors around a column for support.
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A mag drill is the way to go ~ as Marc said ~ quick, little or risk of fire, etc.


"The Drill"


"The Bits"
That looks like the 28 pound super mag. Make sure to keep them teeth on that bit wet!
My question is along Satcoms statement. WHO told you you could go up to 1 1/4"?, are THEY in a position to give you this info? and will THEY put it in writing?
drill and tap for 1/2 steel nipple but have the engineer sign off
we had a few that got upset when we tapped a 3/8 hole in a 12"x3/4 beam

mdshunk said:
Milwaukee magnetic base drill press and a carbide hole cutter. Slick as snot.

Sounds like a winner. I doubt I would be able to come up with one though. :(

hardworkingstiff said:
How many holes do you have to drill?

Too many.

ceb said:
My question is along Satcoms statement. WHO told you you could go up to 1 1/4"?, are THEY in a position to give you this info? and will THEY put it in writing?

The GC and the guy in charge of overseeing the store being built. He represents the store. I'm not sure exactly what his title is. Both have done 3+ of these so-called cookie cutters.

Pierre C Belarge said:
How are you installing this power inside of the steel column, what wiring method?

J-box mounted on decking(30'), MC fished down column through top hole , then through hole at bottom for outlet (16') with a 4 sq surface mounted to column. I have some other routes also. I'll leave it at that though.

Thnx for ALL THE INPUT. It looks like I'm going with a hole saw. I would like one of those beasts Marc mentioned but I don't think I'll get one.
Use lots of WD-40 to speed the process along, and keep cutting teeth, cutting.
Shockedby277v said:
Thnx for ALL THE INPUT. It looks like I'm going with a hole saw. I would like one of those beasts Marc mentioned but I don't think I'll get one.

RENT ONE ...or buy 50 million hole saws and book an appt. in advance with a doctor who specializes in tennis elbow :D
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