Things that burn my tail besides waste high flames (G Rated)

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Owensboro, KY
For those who take the time to read this, there is a question at the end. Sorry for the length, just venting.

I take a service call the other evening and when I arrive at the door the elderly homeowner looks at me like I invented sliced bread. I am standing in darkness. He is hard of hearing so I introduce myself several times and ask him where the problem is. He guides me through the house with a flashlight to his fuse panel. He states that he has replaced all the fuses. He tells me that the furnace, the stove, and receptacles and lights in three rooms stopped working. He then tells me that the house was built in 1959 and as I can see by the flashlight quivering in his hand, the house still has the original 60 Amp service. The wires in the fuse panel are somewhat rats nested so I pulled and pushed and wiggled to find suitable test points to check for voltage. Ding' Fries are done. For anyone who has ever spent anytime within ten feet of a deep fryer when an ice covered frozen chicken was dumped in, you have heard it too. I realized that the problem was not inside the panel so I proceeded outside to the meter base and cut the tag. I explained the severity of the situation to the gentleman and explained that this needed fixing right then. I phoned the POCO and they sent a guy from just two blocks away. Now thats service! Anywho, he pulled the meter, I replaced the service entrance conductors, and the burned meter lug and he plugged the meter back in. All was well with the world. I convinced the gentleman that $2000 was a great deal for a service upgrade and we scheduled it for early May. Home. Shower. Bed. Voicemail. Local zoning (AHJ) office received call from POCO. I received call from
zoning office. They wanted me to know that they have my permit for the emergency work I performed the night before and the inspector would be by to check it today. They have my account on file so I pull permits over the phone. I was just fine with this. My 1 hour for $90 just got cut to 1 hour for $55. *So What* I have this guy slated for future work and I'll write it off. I go by the zoning office today and they inform me that I was charged double the permit fee because the work had already began. Also I will need to pay the fee again when I perform the service upgrade. That service call cost me about $15 for wire, at least $5 for gas and $70 in permit fees. Anyone else do pro bono work. or just me?
I'm not sure why your one hour for 90 got cut to 55. You skipped that part.

Brother, I have no idea you replaced the burned lug and the SE for free. That's something you need to stop doing. Put away your super hero cape and start thinking like a businessman.
ptonsparky said:
Who else gets fined for doing emergency service work before a permit is filed? Just unbelievable.
I don't. I get 3 days to pull a permit for emergency jobs, and the PoCo guys can have me sign a waiver so they can tap back up without a cut-in card. If it's something major. like a weekend blowup, you can usually rouse an inspector out of bed.
Welcome to the forum!:smile:

Take it as a learning experience. I'm sure the Homeowner is well appreciative of your efforts. Your "gift" will be returned to you in the future. Just keep working.
z?electric said:
Anyone else do pro bono work. or just me?

I quess you learned something, and as one of my customers put it to me one day as I showed him how to reset a breaker for a service call of $75.00, "School cost money." I thought he took it pretty well.
mdshunk said:
I don't. I get 3 days to pull a permit for emergency jobs, and the PoCo guys can have me sign a waiver so they can tap back up without a cut-in card. If it's something major. like a weekend blowup, you can usually rouse an inspector out of bed.

We have a self inspection tag here for the POCO. How you like them apples.
bikeindy said:
We have a self inspection tag here for the POCO. How you like them apples.
That's more or less what signing a waiver does in my case. I have a copy of one someplace. More or less certifying that I've checked over the wiring and the tilt of the earth's axis will remain the same if they energize the service.
lesson learned

lesson learned

Still trying to find the appropriate price point for my area. I have been doing industrial work for the last 9 years and I am now breaking into the residential market. I appreciate all the feedback and i just tossed the cape into the fire.
Its the cost of an education. I had mine on an underground service ,paid a three hour minimum for a backhoe had the ditch dug the inspector on his way with an hour to spare only to fail the inspection because their "guidlines" call for 12 inches of "fill" over the conduit and 4 inches under.By the way "fill " is sand or gravel. Dug the ditch 4 iches deeper ordered"fill" called for a re inspect ($50.00) and ten hours later whatched the bachoe being loaded.Now I go to the inspector and get all fee information as well as those "special" guidlines.
Ain't it great

Ain't it great

Tomorrow being my 31st birthday, I convinced my wife that a new Kubota BX24 was an excellent present. It is a sub compact tractor-loader-backhoe and I also bought the 60" mowing deck because the old snapper is about shot. Easy to justify when you fight the local rental monopoly for a slot to use their worn out walk behind trencher. Then for it to die on you at the bottom of a 50' embankment. Nuff bragging, someone mentioned a backhoe though.
z?electric said:
Tomorrow being my 31st birthday, I convinced my wife that a new Kubota BX24 was an excellent present. It is a sub compact tractor-loader-backhoe and I also bought the 60" mowing deck because the old snapper is about shot. Easy to justify when you fight the local rental monopoly for a slot to use their worn out walk behind trencher. Then for it to die on you at the bottom of a 50' embankment. Nuff bragging, someone mentioned a backhoe though.
I got off the rental band wagon and now I sub all my digging.Most jobs can be done within his three hour minimum.It actually cheaper to have him do it than for me to rent a digger and pay a man to run it.
z?electric said:
Tomorrow being my 31st birthday, I convinced my wife that a new Kubota BX24 was an excellent present. It is a sub compact tractor-loader-backhoe and I also bought the 60" mowing deck because the old snapper is about shot. Easy to justify when you fight the local rental monopoly for a slot to use their worn out walk behind trencher. Then for it to die on you at the bottom of a 50' embankment. Nuff bragging, someone mentioned a backhoe though.

Happy Birthday!:grin:
You just learned your local inspectors office is full of..something that rymes with ricks but starts with a P.. Totally uncalled for to double your permit. I can understand why some of you guys dislike inspectors. Never heard of a situation like this in WA. We have some good inspectors here on the east side.
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