M. D.
Senior Member
The other day I was asked to check a 12/2 U.F. cable between a house and a yard light mounted on a tree ..The owner said it just stopped working one day .. He had tried to figure it out and in so doing he cut the U.F. about 5' above grade .. inside the garage the wire comes directly through the foundation wall . I did not see a sleeve and the wire is tight as tight can be.. I am told there is no splice and that most of the run is sleeved in PVC .. Why no all of the run ? who knows.. anyway I found a defective GFCI receptacle and thought bingo .. replaced it ,..turned the circuit on and ... Bam!.. tripped the breaker. removed the GFCI and separated both ends of U.F. I took my Fluke continuity meter and rang between all three conductors...every which way.. nothing .. crossed the ends out at the tree ... tone.. . Put a "distance to break meter" on it and it said 60ft .. measured the distance above ground with tape measure 57ft .. hmmmm Go back check continuity again between conductors .. nothing .. from the conductors to the foundation nothing ... cross them at the tree ? tone .. I then separated the wires at the tree and wire nutted to the feed at the house ... flipped it on .... Bam! tripped ... like a dead short only I can't read it on my Fluke ? anyone got any ideas ?.. Also the circuit only trips when this U.F. cable is connected ... I have never seen a dead short that would not tone on my meter ..I believe the short is between the hot and the grounding .. with no neutral connections it still tripped, I think,.. though I couldn't really remember and he did not want me to play anymore as time is
money .. I was just wondering if anyone has any Ideas or has had a similar bit of F.M. (#(@%!%& magic)
money .. I was just wondering if anyone has any Ideas or has had a similar bit of F.M. (#(@%!%& magic)