Things you find above ceilings

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Rhode Island
I know the rules are more restrictive in some areas, but here it's common place for "shells" to get an inspection on bare basics and have power switched on. After that, ceilings and walls are thrown in without any inspections, tennant changes occur over the years...all with no inspections........ and the result is often an electrical nightmare
We found a brand new two pound sledge sitting on a ceiling tile a couple months ago. Headache waiting to happen.
I've found several battry drills. Some had their owners name and phone number etched in. They got called and sent back home. Not a bad idea to take a few minutes and ID your tools.
I found two 18" Ridgid pipe wrenches on a ceiling tile.
Must have been the sprinkler guys.
They were long gone.
Mine now.
I know the rules are more restrictive in some areas, but here it's common place for "shells" to get an inspection on bare basics and have power switched on. After that, ceilings and walls are thrown in without any inspections, tennant changes occur over the years...all with no inspections........ and the result is often an electrical nightmare

That's why we don't release power until we have a tenant and a complete TI. Now of course that only works for the first one.:)
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