Lots of people so far, including me, have said charge enough/charge more/etc. I would just like to talk a little more about this. This is really a tough one. I have paid off all my debts, own my house, have 100k savings/retirement, built up a pretty good client base, so I am quite secure and its easy for me to say "charge more". I must say I TOTALLY REMEMBER having a mortgage (had to borrow money form mom for that a few times), being nervous when I only had a week or so of work booked, being worried about charging too much and not getting the job and its potential contacts and referrals, never knowing when a slowdown was coming, having all my hopes and dreams hinge on getting that next job. It can be really tough and scary to "charge more" . I know hindsight is 20/20, but if I could go back I think I definitely could have charged more.