Three family house

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I'm putting a bid out on a three family house in CT. Its a 1000 sqft per floor totally gutted floor plain is 2-Bed,1-Living rm,1-Bath,1-kitchen on each floor. 1-Phone and CATV each floor and 1-T-stat each floor.Washer and dryer 15 Ft from landloard panel in basement.15 smokes through out the house.I will need to up date the meter bank only not the service drop and 3-100 amp tenant load centers and 1-100 amp landlord loadcenter.Motion sensors in common areas.Hot water in basement.what i did was
$4.00sqft per floor= 12,000
$700.00 for each service= 2,800
Total --------------- 14,800
Simple as that ??

This is my 2nd year in business and get frustrated over the bidding process.sqft verses price per outlet verses price not to exceed and when to apply.I can't wait till i get more proficient before i take on the responsabilty of hiring help.I would like to expand from a one man show.Any help would be apprecieated.
Re: Three family house

Maybe pricing is different in CT, but... if you can honestly do a four banger meter mod and four 100 amp panels for 2800 bucks, you could work 24/7 around here and still turn down work.
Re: Three family house

To me, the 4 bucks a square foot seemed a little high. The 2800 bucks for the service equipment sounded excessively low.

My only question would be where did these numbers come from? I'm not saying that they aren't right (for you), but are they just guesses? Or are they based on more math than you've shown?
Re: Three family house

I know several contractors in this area that are bidding at $4-4.50 a square in Resi and multi family. I myself prefer the per opening method, as bidding per square requires a certain consistancy in housing. IMHO, there are no "typical" homes anymore.
Re: Three family house

Well I think 14,800 is a good price if you know what your material, overhead, labor, direct job expenses, and profit will be. If you dont know any of these then 14,800 could be a loser.
Re: Three family house

GC: My understanding is that material and profit are part of the$4.00 sqft price? Including inexpensive fixtures for spec house.If anyone could give me some pointers I would appreciate it
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