Three phase hospital grade receptacle

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Code does not mention hospital grade receptacle has to be 15A or 20A 115V. Are their any single phase 208V, 277V, 480V or three phase 208V or 480V hospital grade receptacles?
If the code doesn't mention it what is your problem?

I was looking in the code but didn’t find it but patient bed area general care area I have on the plans three phase hospital grade receptacle.

I just thought usually they are 120V single phase thats all. Someone here might know some other code section that says that or something else.

I apologize for my ignorance. People here are full of knowledge and helpful.
Doing a quick google search, I see some 6-15 and 6-20's. Nothing larger or 3-phase though.
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