TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
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Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Does anyone have the 2002 NEC handbook, it has a formal interpertation about the concrete encased electrode not be required to used, this TIA dates to about 1976.
What is the formal interpretation number

It was removed from the 2005 handbook.


Senior Member
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

From page 194 of the 2002 NEC Handbook, section 250.50:

Formal Interpretation 78-4

Reference: Article 250.50

Question: Is it the intent of 250.50 that reinforcing steel, if used in a building footing, must be made available for grounding?

Answer: No

Issue Edition: 1978

Reference 250-81

Issue Date: March 1980

Hopefully I typed all of that in without any typos. I hope it was what you wanted.


Senior Member
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

My building department is trying to come up with a procedure to handle the change in 250.50 without causing too much of a burden to contractors and builders and at the same time not create more work for the inspectors. There is honestly not enough time in the day to add a new inspection to check for proper concrete-encased electrode use for ever structure and building built in the county.

It is my opinion that we are only going to enforce concrete-encased electrode use if it is convienent and available at time of rough installation. Another idea has been to have the concrete guys to turn up rebar at all four corners of the structure or at the location of the service if known at the time of footer/foundation pour. We have a year to figure it out, so its not getting much attention yet.


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retired electrician
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

This TIA expired in the 81 or 84 code cycle according to the "Regulations Governing Committee Projects". A TIA only applies to the document that was in existence at the time of issue and the following issue of that document if the TIA was issued after the closing date for proposals for the following document. Looks like they were a little behind in correcting this issue.
5-8 Applicability. Tentative Interim Amendments shall apply to the document existing at the time of issuance. Tentative Interim Amendments issued after the proposal closing date shall also apply, where the text of the existing document remains unchanged, to the next edition of the Document. Tentative Interim Amendments issued concurrently with the issuance of a new edition shall apply to both the existing and new edition.


Senior Member
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

Don, I agree with you about TIAs but this was a Formal Interpretation and they last until the text is changed as it was for the 2005 cycle. :D


Senior Member
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

Originally posted by bphgravity:
My building department is trying to come up with a procedure to handle the change in 250.50 without causing too much of a burden to contractors and builders and at the same time not create more work for the inspectors. There is honestly not enough time in the day to add a new inspection to check for proper concrete-encased electrode use for ever structure and building built in the county.

It is my opinion that we are only going to enforce concrete-encased electrode use if it is convienent and available at time of rough installation. Another idea has been to have the concrete guys to turn up rebar at all four corners of the structure or at the location of the service if known at the time of footer/foundation pour. We have a year to figure it out, so its not getting much attention yet.
We have been getting rebar UFER's in the tracts for years now. Before footings the service lateral is stubbed up, so the concrete crew turns up a piece of rebar at that location. The combination inspector will not sign the footings without this in place.

On commercial buildings, the structural inspector does not sign footings until the UFER is signed off.

We've been doing this so long that I don't remember what the learning curve was like.


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Mission Viejo, CA
Professional Electrical Engineer
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

As tx2step's and charlie's posts indicate, this was a Formal Interpretation (FI) rather than a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA). The "Regulations Governing Committee Projects" still require the Tech Committees to create an internal Proposal in the next approval cycle to make the FI unnecessary, just as Don indicated for TIAs.
6-6 Action Following Issuance of Formal Interpretation. Any TC whose Document has been the subject of a Formal Interpretation shall prepare a committee proposal clarifying the text of the Document involved. The TC shall process such a proposal in conformance with procedures set forth in 4-3. After issuance of the next edition of the document, the Interpretation shall be retired.
(I wish the NFPA would quit moving the "Regs" around on their website - it was hard to find :D )

[ June 29, 2005, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: rbalex ]


Staff member
retired electrician
Re: TIA from the 2002 NEC handbook

I guess I just read the title of the thead and not the content.

[ June 29, 2005, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: don_resqcapt19 ]
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