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Staff member
retired electrician
If you are using Link, the NFPA has made a big improvement related to the publication of TIAs. TIAs that are added after the local adoption of the NEC create an enforcement issue, because for a TIA to be legally enforceable, it must be specifically adopted by the same method as the code itself was adopted. In the past, once the Standards Council had approved a TIA, it was simply added to the online text on the effective date with no indication that it is a change from the originally published document.
Now you will find the letter T in an circle that is highlighted just like the changes are. When you click the "T" it brings up the changed text, the original text, and the effective date of the TIA.
I absolutely love Link. Its been a real help to just get my phone out to show the inspectors where they are wrong too. I was talking to an nfpa rep who said in May they are introducing a bunch of code related videos on it as well.
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