Time and material sign off form

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I'm getting ready to take over a job which the previous electrician was released from for non performance/delay of job. It will be T&M. I was thinking about having a "sign off" sheet for each day on the job in order to record hours and have the GC acknowledge it each day.
Does anyone else do this and if so what are some ideas for the form.
Unless youre getting progress payments we have found that giving a daily t&m update usually leads to more headaches. When the customer/gc sees the price going up every day they tend to get grumpy. The typical whys this cost so much and taking so long? But as we all know thats the average customer no matter how frequently you send a bill. When we do progress payments we do weekly increments. The form has material list, man hours, and description of what was done.
I just came off a T&M Job, basically a convenience store in a Student Center. I had to basically state my daily production
for the GC to see (photographed) and the owner to bill by. The owner had his own form that I utilized, and it had a breakdown
of warehouse stock verses supply house ordered. I listed everything used and was nice to state completed when it happened.
It can get detailed quick, but the office Lady sent me a note thanking me for being detailed.
You need to come to an agreement on the daily sign off, in my case I knew daily that I could summarize in the afternoon and
break down, in the evening for sign off the next day, IE the GC wasn't around at the end of the day. The GC had banker hours
so I had to reassure the office Lady it's coming but not till the GC arrived on Job.

I can send you a copy of the sheet if you desire, I guess you have to build it in your own version of Excel, send a message to me.
Cadpoint I sent you a message. Your method sounds like a good way to go.
ACIN , yes I agree and have made that point clear.
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