Time bomb

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Senior Member
Have coffee and looked up and spotted this gem - hope you can see it...
It's an older service location with 12/3NM drapped to a newer 100 or 125 service drop location as temporary - from the looks of it several years temporary.... The brue/gray's it's connected with look pretty sun baked and the red phase tape has faded to grey....

Fire waiting to happen IMO....

A women walked out with a few month old baby and I had to say something - wrote all the POCO info down and told her what she needed to ask for...
mdshunk said:
Got a bigger pic?

As soon as I read that post title, the song started running through my head. It'll be stuck in there for a few hours.

i remember when i was about 14 yrs old my dad found that album in my room and threw it away. that was their best work, imo. freemans solo on maxwell murder; just unbelievable.
8 Tracks, cassettes, vinyl, CDs even MP3s can be 'albums'.

Main Entry: al?bum
Pronunciation: \ˈal-bəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, a white tablet, from neuter of albus
Date: 1612

1 a: a book with blank pages used for making a collection (as of autographs, stamps, or photographs) b: a cardboard container for a phonograph record : jacket c: one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit <a 2-CD album>

2: a collection usually in book form of literary selections, musical compositions, or pictures : anthology
So ahhhhh.... No thoughts on the free air capacity of romex, or it's UV resistance? Or temp connections lasting many years with non-weather proofed or non-rated al/cu connections for service conductors?
e57 said:
So ahhhhh.... No thoughts on the free air capacity of romex, or it's UV resistance? Or temp connections lasting many years with non-weather proofed or non-rated al/cu connections for service conductors?
No, never gave that a thought.

So, about this album stuff...
e57 said:
So ahhhhh.... No thoughts on the free air capacity of romex, or it's UV resistance? Or temp connections lasting many years with non-weather proofed or non-rated al/cu connections for service conductors?

I would comment but I have no idea what we are looking at in that picture, just to darn small.

So whats happening in the picture?
Having a digital camera on hand is not a bad idea. We provide one to all our foremen, in case anything happens - a picture is worth a thousand words. You can get one for $50 that'll do the job.
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