Thanks All!
Now I have the curves in PDF of an ETU of GE (Entelliguard Trip unit). It has LSIG function in it. I do not know the equations used to draw the curve. I would like to plot the curve in excel.
1) Is there any way I could derive the equation from the curve?
2) Should I consult the manufacturer to get the equation? Will they provide a digitized curves which I can use it with some free softwares?
I use a program called "GetData" for taking a TCC and importing into Excel. What I am importing is JUST the MAX (upper edge) trip side of the curve for use in Arc Flash calculations. There are some FREE programs available, but for me they did not work very well or maybe just not smart enough to figure them out.
Again, this only yields side of the curve. I suppose you could figure out a method to import the upper AND lower boundaries and attach them together somehow.
You are working with ETU's so you could be looking at generating an lot of graphs.
Try "Youtube" Excel-importing graphs", you will learn quite a bit about Excel.
Please note that "Siemens" offers free a program for engineers (and I would assume ECs also) for viewing ALL of their TCCs. You can make adjustments on ALL the settings and OVERLAY as many as you fit on your screen. VERY easy to work with.