Time management with JOTT

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Senior Member
Right here.
You guys using www.jott.com yet? I've been signed up with them for a bit now, and I'm finding it very useful. You call their free 800 number and speak a message to yourself or another person on your contacts list. They translate it to text and email you or whoever you want that message to go to. I use this to give myself reminders of stuff, since they'll be waiting for me in my inbox. Also handy for emailing other people who you otherwise don't need to speak to on the phone. It's totally free.
Seriously, though guys, this JOTT thing is the coolest thing I've come across in a long time. Better than a note pad in your pocket. You can sign up literally in 2 minutes, and be jotting your email box in nothing flat. I see uses for this that I haven't even explored yet.
mdshunk said:
Seriously, though guys, this JOTT thing is the coolest thing I've come across in a long time. Better than a note pad in your pocket. You can sign up literally in 2 minutes, and be jotting your email box in nothing flat. I see uses for this that I haven't even explored yet.

I imagine you have to be careful if you are sending an email to someone else...you have to speak it exactly right or it won't translate to text properly, no?
What about air time on the cell phone? Don't forget that may cost you, depending on your plan.

Personally, I just use a digital voice recorder. Fits in my pocket. Has 3 different 'files' for personal, work, etc. Hours of time available. Can download to computer.

peter d said:
I imagine you have to be careful if you are sending an email to someone else...you have to speak it exactly right or it won't translate to text properly, no?
I've tried to screw it up, and it comes through nice. The email also attaches the voice file, in case you want to listen to it.
480sparky said:
Personally, I just use a digital voice recorder. Fits in my pocket. Has 3 different 'files' for personal, work, etc. Hours of time available. Can download to computer.


I have one of those myself. Very handy.
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