Time management

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Senior Member
Newport, NC
khixxx said:
One of my biggest weakness is Time Management.

Nothing manages time better than good preparation. There is nothing I hate more than not having the right material or tool because I did not take the time to make sure I had them.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
DanZ said:
What ever you do, don't sign up for a time management course, then call your administrative assistant to go and pick up the materials because you're running late and won't be able to make it.:grin:
The place I used to work made all the engineers take a time management class. After a few months they decided that we were still not efficient enough so they made us take a different time management class.

About the only real difference I could see between the two were slight differences in the forms used, and that the second class handed out leatherette folders to put the forms in. The managers and other power minds got real leather folders. the first class used binders that were paperboard.

Ironically, about a year later they decided the forms from the second class supplier were too expensive and started buying generic forms from an office supply house.
I'll never understand the corporate world.

The project is behind schedule, let's have a meeting to find out why.

This department isn't efficient enough, let's have a meeting to find out why.

Profit margins have shrunk, let's get some full color glossy paper graphs to pass out at the meeting to find out why.

I think they only do it for the free donuts, but I can't prove it.:grin:
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