Time to Kick Back - The Fall Classic

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Senior Member
Delray Beach, FL
Fall has fell and America turns to the Fall Classic.
It is time for everyone to take a deep breath, watch some baseball and cheer for their favorite team.
It's been a long summer and now is time for the transition towards the new year and to reflect on what can be done better next year during the season to improve the condition of our lives, our companies, and our trade.
Sometimes we get a little too intense about business and we forget about the fact that there is more to life than work.
So grab a beer or your other beverage of choice and chant the mantra - "Let's go Red Sox, Let's go Red Sox, ....."
In a couple of weeks, we will turn our attention to the unsung powerhouse of the NFL, The Indianapolis Colts.
Enjoy boys and girls!!!!!
dezwitinc said:
In a couple of weeks, we will turn our attention to the unsung powerhouse of the NFL, The Indianapolis Colts.
10 more days 'till their first loss!
Pierre C Belarge said:
Yeah, the Yankees need a break this year...next year we can start watching them chew up the fall classic. :D

I do feel bad for the Rockies, that was a tough inning to watch.
Don't hold your breath on the Yankees...

I'm a huge Sox fan, and even I was feeling bad for them... they looked like Peter McNeeley facing Mike Tyson.

I expressed as much to the wife -- a bigger and more knowledgable sports fan than 90% of men out there (wouldn't be caught dead in a pink Sox hat) -- and got the "don't jinx us" speech. She still blames me for the Pats loss to Indy last year when I said "this is over" in the early going. ;)
stickboy1375 said:
Yeah it was... As least we don't have to watch the Yankees... :D

So, whereabouts do you live?
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