Re: time to wire house
Are the houses wired in NM ?
Is the service already installed?
Here's how I would approach it: (abridged version)
Work from top to bottom.
1) Lead man marks 2nd floor while 2nd man brings materials in.
2) Lead man drills second floor while 2nd man boxes.
3) Lead man starts to pull circuts while 2nd man pulls smoke det. circut (if applicable)
4) Lead man pulls remaining circuts while 2nd man pulls homeruns.
5) Lead man marks 1st floor while 2nd man cuts-in 2nd floor.
Continue for first floor.
There are things to do/not do to increase your speed without having to actually work harder.
For example:
1) Take a few extra minutes to plan your circuts and mark homerun locations. Mark all attic homeruns at the access. Also tie-in attic stuff while you are up there, and install any switch, keyless, heater switch, receptacle in the attic.
2) When you pull homeruns, check it off at box.
3) Mark all light boxes on the floor when you are marking-out.
4) When you pull a switch leg, take the box up the ladder with you. Hang box and tie in box while on the ladder.
Don't go up ladder to mark box, go up ladder to hang box, go up ladder to pull switch leg, go up ladder to cut-in light. See the time adding up.
5) Cut in dead ends while you're there.
6) If you missed a hole, leave wire hang. Come back and drill it later, 'cause you may have missed more.
There are more but that should be a start for you to look at.
These are just my opinions based on my experience.
Hope it helps.