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A customer has four "New" work 4" LV Lightolier housings that I need to either remove or manipulate in some way in order to install four slightly larger 4" Halo "Old" work housings. I did two of them today, which was a lengthy process for me. I first took some tin snips to the center (Parallel to the j-box) of the frame, but couldn't cut completely through because of the drywall. I then took a pair of Kliens and a screwdriver to the slit and chiseled away until I completely cut through the frame on both sides. At that point I was able to push the, now jagged, non j-box side up and out of the way and kept the remaining j-box side intact so I could come out of it with a jumper to the new light. I have to go back in a few days to do the other two, if there's another way to get the Halo's up there without so much effort i'd love to hear it.