Tips for getting new service work

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We are trying to build a service department. Any advice on getting new accounts and pitfalls to avoid would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone used a service like Sales Genie? Cold calling?
If you're looking for residential work, you might try contacting some of the different property management companies and dropping off your card. You can also try some of the larger realtors, they usually own multipal properties.

The management companies may also be able to get you into some of the local shopping centers.

Good luck
If you're looking for lot lighting servicing, you have but to take a drive around town at night and see who needs someone with a bucket truck.

Realtors can be a good source. They are often asked who can do service work.

But nothing beats face-to-face contact with those who will need your services. Find out who they are, and go talk to them. Apartment managers, strip malls, office parks, all have a person who is responsible to calling an electrician.
Visit with property management companys ,go to the mall management office,stop in and visit with store managers most will be happy to put you in touch with the right people we do work at several malls and stores from doing the cold call.
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