Too many subpanels?

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I have a residence that has a 400 amp service. The service is split with 20 200amp breakers. One for the panel inside the main service and one to a 200amp panel on the opposite side of the house.

Connected to the panel at the main service are 2 more subpanels of 125amps each on 125 amp breakers. I also have a 240v, 60amp AC connected to that same panel.

An electrician told me I should have one of the 125amp subpanels moved to my other 200amp panel because 20 125amp panels on a 200amp rated bus is a code violation because the sum of the ratings of the subpanels cannot exceed the rating of the panel they are connected to and the sum of the ratings of all my subpanels cannot exceed the total service rating.

This make sense? I does to me but I need a code citation. Any help?
The electrician was wrong and with that said, I am closing this thread in accordance with the forum rules.

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* This NEC? Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries. Questions of a "How-To" nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice.

You might tell the electrician to join the forum.

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