I've been there before, recessed padlocks picked on a knack job box, and relieved of power tools. I asked the plant manager if he had anybody on staff that knew how to pick locks. He said yes, and why did I want to know. Told him my gang box was relieved of it's power tools and then locked back up, then he clammed up.
From then on his prices went up, and no more storing tools in the gang box. It was the maintenance guys, on the nite shift, but I had no proof.
From that point on, I have never stored tools onsite. Designed and built a collapsible tool cart to remove them from every site, every night. Haven't lost a single item since then. That was more than 20 years ago. In my pricing I include time on every job, for carting the stuff in and out everyday. It's the cost of doing business.
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