Top 3 Electrical Inventions

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Senior Member
What three inventions or developments in electrical history do you consider the most important?

Here's my pics.

  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Light Bulb, allowed for a 24-hour world.</font>
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The AC motor, revolutionized industry.</font>
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Telegraph, the catalyst for communication develpoments.</font>
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

The worst invention was the electric chair. It's purpose gives us a bad name association.

I propose the product processed by plumbers be used for executions.

[ May 14, 2004, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: bennie ]
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

IC. (Integrated Circuit).
Packet data.
Solar cells.
Fiber optics.
Carrier signals.
Spread spectrum.
Lithium Ion batteries.

Plus those other things.
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

Electric Koolaid.


Wait! That's another topic entirely. :D
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

The Theramin

The Moog synthesizer

The microwave
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

My list exceeds 3 Electrical based Inventions - is this OK? ;)
Also includes some "Stumbled into Inventions"!

* The Leyden Jar - evolved into the Capacitor,

* Volta's "Pile" - evolved into the Electrochemical Cell, or Edison Cell,

* Galvani's "Frog Leg Tests" - led into Potential Differences between Materials, along with Electrolytic Reduction and Galvanization / Electroplating,

* Faraday's Electromagnetic Coil tests - leading to Inductors and Reactors,

* Edison's Storage Battery - comprised of several Electrochemical Cells,

* Edison's Electric Lamp,

* Edison's 3-Wire DC power systems,

* Bell's Telephone,

* Telegraph - led to the Telephone,

* Television (Radio Television),

* Vacuum Tube(s),

* Tesla's "epiphony in the park" consepts of AC systems and equipment (Polyphase Gennys, Polyphase Induction Motors, Polyphase Transformers, Single Phase equipment + Induction Motors and transformers driven by Polyphase systems),

* Marconi's Radio (may have been a "joint-venture" between Marconi and Tesla),

* Westinghouse + Tesla - AC Generation and Transmission projects,

* Invent of RADAR - stumbled across from Radio tests,

* Invent of Semiconductor Transistor - Bell Labs circa 1948,

* Invent of the ENIAC Computer - circa 1940-50,

* Invent of the UNIVAC and similar computers - circa 1950s,

* Invent of the IC (Integrated Circuit) - circa 1966~ (targeted for NASA and "Space Race"),

* Invent of FET type Transistors, along with other Field Effect type devices (LCD),

* Invent of Microprocessors,

* Invent of systems at Xerox "PARC" (GUI type operating system, integrated mouse, ethernet type LAN, etc.),

* Invent of "Better Conductor Technologies",

* Invent of VLSI,

* Invent of Discharge Lighting,

* Invent of High Frequency and "Non-Linear" (Electronic) Ballasting means for Discharge Lamps,

* The ARPANET - led to the currently known WWW (Internet),

* IBM's XT computer - led to cloning of the CMOS ROM BIOS and to better - smaller PCs,

* IBM's idea for the "Self-Booting PC" - led to Microsoft's introduction (good and bad point here!) and the developments of MS DOS + MS Windows operating systems,

* Many - many things I cannot think of right now ;)

Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

most electrical inventions are part of a staircase effect. my plug for the operational amplifier (op amp) was that it was the one device that was absolutely crucial for manned flight as its infinite gain allowedfor communication with a distant source. Manned flight in turn gave "America" the belief in its technology and the public will to support it, which spawned the need for computers, and many other supporting developments.

the need and will has to be there, not just the ideas and the technology.

Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

While all these inventions were are needed I believe that the incadesent light, resistance heater (toaster, heater oven) and radio did more to popularize the use of electricity than any other inventions...COULD BE WRONG
Re: Top 3 Electrical Inventions

Upon further reflection, I realize that the inventor of the inventions is not specified.

I submit the invention of the sentient electro-chemical being predates all the other electrical inventions and is a prerequisite to all subsequent electrical inventions.
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