Torque letter

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Senior Member
Inspector is requiring a torque letter for panel equipment installed. This is first for me. Does anyone have examples or advise on how to proceed. It's kinda last minute asked by inspector
Do you mean like a calibration certificate for the torque wrench? Or, a letter saying you torqued it? If it’s not energized, what about offering to have him just observe you torque the terminals?
Do you mean like a calibration certificate for the torque wrench? Or, a letter saying you torqued it? If it’s not energized, what about offering to have him just observe you torque the terminals?
Yes letter saying torque was performed.
I believe the letter requested is coming from a third party that is willing to formally testify that they witnessed a torque tool was used at the required setting on the specific connection points.
This is a newish alternative for the inspector to be sure of compliance to the torquing requirements, when either the inspector cannot be present at the time of termination being completed or when the installer cannot be on site to provide the final torque at the scheduled inspection.
Usually this requirement of torquing has been overlooked for so long many inspection agencies are now requiring the inspector be present for the final torque of connections or the contractor provide a letter from a third party present at time of torquing to state that they physically saw the torque tool being used. This is a result of too many instances of under/over torque causing wiring and equipment failures or fire.
I would say that in the very least a letter should include the following info:
date torque performed
the connections being torqued
devise used to establish the torque applied
and the torque setting used.
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