Total amps of feeders

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Senior Member
Wa state
I have a quick question that I can't seem to find a clear answer on. Can I have a 200 amp outdoor panel that will feed a 100 amp service to a house, a 100 amp service to a barn, and a 30 amp service to a small well house? The barn does not calc out to anywhere near 100 amps and the well house will just have a light and a plug and I think the well is 1/2 horsepower so it won't draw nearly 30 amps either. I just wasn't sure if the total amount of feeder amps could exceed the 200 amp main breaker of the outdoor panel.
Nothing wrong with your install. Total load calculation of 200 or less will never overload the service even if you supplied 1000 amps worth of feeder breakers from the service.

Even the 100 amp panel in the house in your case likely has more than 100 amps if you added all the branch circuits or feeders it supplies, but the art 220 load calc's probably still say 100 amps is fine.
There's no problem. You can have a 30 circuit 100A panel fully populated with 20A 1 pole breakers, and that adds up to 600 amps worth of branch circuit breakers. Your feeder/branch circuit breakers can add up to much more than your MCB, and that's okay. You just have to make sure the calculated load is less than the MCB. Sorry for the lack of code references, I don't have my code book with me.

Edit: Oops. I guess I took too long typing. kwired beat me to it.
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Okay. Thanks for the responces. I knew having brance circuits that added up to more than the total main was okay just wasn't sure if there was a rule on feeders to other panels.
Thanks alot!
It is done here. Is it not done there due to UL listing or something similar?

Why are you keep sidetracking issues with 'it is done here' where this forum states it repeatedly and over and over that it is for discussions of NEC Issues that are applicable to the US? We have NO opinion on what is happening in India and no interest from the professional standpoint of view.
Your standpoint is rather silly, because the forum is elevated to the international rank. Otherwise there is no point in accepting members from other countries into the forum. By the way, you did not care to answer the question posed in my last post
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Why are you keep sidetracking issues with 'it is done here' where this forum states it repeatedly and over and over that it is for discussions of NEC Issues that are applicable to the US? We have NO opinion on what is happening in India and no interest from the professional standpoint of view.

I agree this is a NEC based forum, which makes it primarily based on US installations. I do find it interesting to learn what some common practices are in other places.

Sahib, panelboards here are not field built, they may have some field assembly but with components that manufacturer has provided that are listed when assembled. If there is a mistake with the bus size in a panelboard it would have to be a mistake from the manufacturer and not the installer.
I agree this is a NEC based forum, which makes it primarily based on US installations. I do find it interesting to learn what some common practices are in other places.
I do not disagree this is a NEC based forum, which makes it primarily based on US installations. There is, of course, considerable commonality between NEC and other national electrical codes (due to globalization also.) If the NEC says, for example, not to run EGC in metal conduit without bonding at both ends of the conduit, it is applicable in all other electrical codes throughout the world. However it will take time to realize this commonality by the immature.
Sahib, panelboards here are not field built,
Nowhere it is done.
If there is a mistake with the bus size in a panelboard it would have to be a mistake from the manufacturer and not the installer.
In cases other than when manufacturer=installer.
Your standpoint is rather silly, because the forum is elevated to the international rank. Otherwise there is no point in accepting members from other countries into the forum. By the way, you did not care to answer the question posed in my last post

The OP clearly was referring to a US installation. You are welcome as an observer and to learn about the US system. Do not be surprised when people are not so welcoming when you are sidetracking the US revelant questions with provincial, irrelelvant observations to the subject. Nobody cares.......

As to your question: you would be well served to UNDERSTAND how the US system works at its BASICS first, before making yourself ridiculous with nonsensical commnets. Do not attempt to put the burden of learnig on us teaching you. You not enticing anyone to help you, if you haven't noticed.
The OP clearly was referring to a US installation. You are welcome as an observer and to learn about the US system. Do not be surprised when people are not so welcoming when you are sidetracking the US revelant questions with provincial, irrelelvant observations to the subject. Nobody cares.......

Only you are saying I am side tracking and not the OP. A little more maturity would make the discussion smooth and pave the way for more learning.

Do not attempt to put the burden of learning on us teaching you.

Please do not impose the arrogant picture on others and I would be the last person to learn from arrogant people.
Only you are saying I am side tracking and not the OP. A little more maturity would make the discussion smooth and pave the way for more learning.

Please do not impose the arrogant picture on others and I would be the last person to learn from arrogant people.

What's your beef Sahib? The OP clearly is referring to a US installation, why highjack the thread to please yourself? I suggest you make a thread where any interested poster can comment on whatever issues you wanted dissected. Spare this one and post no more, if you please?
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