Re: Tower grounding on rocky ridge
LAFE, I do a lot of ground designs on communications towers and have experience on rocky conditions.
There is no one-answer solution even if it is ideal conditions but rather a combination of techniques.
The first is concrete encased electrode. As long as the rebar is bonded by either double ties, welded, or Burndy Hy-Ground compression connectors, any possible damage by lightning is eliminated. From the concrete encased electrode you need two 2/0-stub outs, one going to the tower leg, the other to the ring/radials around the tower. Or you could just use one stub up to do both
Do not know your budget, but from here you can go a few different ways.
1. Remove all the dirt in the fenced perimeter lay a ground grid, back fill with bentonite clay and cover with crush-n-run. Leave stub ups where needed. This will form a equipotentianl ground plane for the tower and equipment hut.
2. If you have enough dirt, lay radials out from each tower leg and back fill the trenches with bentonite. At the tower base run a ring around the tower to connect radials to and sink chemical rods at each location where radials meet the ring. For the hut use a ring back filled with betonite and chemical rods at each corner of the building and at each cable penetration to the hut and all electrical services like AC power and Telco. Interconnect all GE's at sub-terrain level.
What ever you do, make sure it is an engineered system with very specific detailed notes with part numbers, installation methods, cable size, and materials.
Good luck