I am taking this exam for the second time. They have a very simple homemade motor controller consisting of nine leads with alligator clips. 3 for line, 3 for load and 3 for the stop start(internally jumped). The problem is that when I wired this thing, I assumed contact point #3 of the holding circuit was jumped to the coil. When the thing was energized, it came on without pushing the start button. I did not have the wherewithall at the time to realize that they incorrectly had contact point #2 of the holding circuit jumped to the coil. They do not allow a continuity tester and you can't physically see the internal wiring. Contact point #3 on every motor controller I've wired is jumped to the coil, most of them coming from the manufaturer pre-wired this way. Am I wrong? Do you have any suggestions or feedback? I'm taking the test again soon. Any help would bw appreciated