Townhome fire wall assembly?

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Senior Member
Hey guys doing my first townhouse (2-family). Few building code explanaitons would highly help me see things better. The thing I am unfamiliar with is the fire wall assemly. I am looking at a copy of the kentucky building code and trying to comply. This code comes straigt from the IBC. Questions:

What is the difference between fire wall and fire partition?

This particular wall has a 2hour rating. What type of boxes and raceway/cable assembly do you guys use?

I am guessing the difference between "through penetrations" and "membrane penetrations" is that through penetrations go through both sides of fire wall and membrane pentrations donot. Right Assumption?

The townhouse is all wood (2x4s, 2x6s, lvl's,etc). Is this type V construction classificaition?

These are all ?'s that the AHJ and building inspector could answer but I get the impression from them that I should already know this. Probaly should since I am a new contractor but I just like being prepared and doing it right the first time.

Love this forum. All replies appreciated.
It appears you are in the wrong book. Go to Section 317 of the International Residential Code. You will find better information there regarding this particular issue.
jcole said:
What is the difference between fire wall and fire partition?
See the definitions at Chapter 7 of the IBC. Basically, a fire wall comes from the foundation to or through the roof; while a fire partition (separation) is vertical, (a fire barrier can be vertical and horizontal) and any openings in it are required to be protected. Look at the definition of membrane-penetration firestop. Basically the requirement is to provide a resistance to the communication of fire from one area to another area. refer to the IRC, R317.3.2 for membrane penetration options.

The townhouse is all wood (2x4s, 2x6s, lvl's,etc). Is this type V construction classificaition?
Refer to Annex E of the 2005 NEC. The townhouse you're working in is more than likely a non-rated type 5, even though there are certain elements of the construction that have a fire-resistance rating. :)
What you need to do is find out what UL listed assembly the wall installation is going to comply with. (It will likely be a Design U followed by a number - see UL BXUV))

Then get ahold of the UL Fire Resistance Directory or catalog from a fire protection material manufacturer (3M, HILTI, NSI, ect.) and determine which through/membrane system that will comply with the wall assembly and with the wiring method used. (It will likely need to be a Design W - L - followed by number - See UL XHEZ)
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