townhouse electrical service

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Senior Member
I know this has been discussed before but would like to put an a design out there for discussion. Feeding a group of 8 townhouses(separated by a firewall) from one electrical transformer and one bank of meter modules. Plan is to bond neutral and ground at the meter modules, install ground rods and gec to water meters, all the water meters are located in one location. Feed each townhouse from individual meters w/ cb at meter modules. Panelboards in townhouses will have a main breaker. Comments?



Senior Member
Re: townhouse electrical service

Originally posted by bwyllie:
Plan is to bond neutral and ground at the meter modules, install ground rods and gec to water meters, all the water meters are located in one location.Feed each townhouse from individual meters w/ cb at meter modules. Comments?

I see one may-be problem in this installation,with this multible service disconnecting means in your posting. I count eight-throws of the hand, grouped in one location. If so,being a violation 230.71. More than the six throws.

One main would be required ahead of..(does it infact have one main)

GEC connection to the Grounded Conductor,at the Main disconnecting means.

[ May 17, 2005, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: townhouse electrical service

I agree with Rod, with one thing to add:
Feed each townhouse from individual meters w/ cb at meter modules. Panelboards in townhouses will have a main breaker.
Why are you buying so many breakers? :)


Re: townhouse electrical service

sorry fellas, I left that part out, yes for the 8 townhouses there will be a main circuit breaker before the meters. In regards to the circuit breakers in the panelboards, I thought it would be good for the tenant to have the ability to shut down the panelboard from their townhouse and not have to go outside.


Senior Member
Re: townhouse electrical service

peterelec?,ummm howdy,

..peterelec, just don't get to arguing, in a disagreement with Mr.bwyllie in here.(he's a nice guy) :D


Senior Member
Re: townhouse electrical service

HA HA sorry guys, I was actually on peterelec's computer checking the thread and didn't realize I was under his name.
Thanks for the responses.
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