TR Recpt.

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Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Went into supply house this morning ( yes we have one open on Sat.:D )
The guy running the store this morning was the branch manager, very knowledgeable about his inventory, keeps up with code not your run of the mill counter help. I ask for a box of rg6 and a box of TR receptacles. He then ask, do you really need the TR recpt. Yes, were in NC, the 2008 code took effect June 1, Besides I am doing a room that will be a kids play room. He then tells me that he had been told by some of the other electricians that the TR recp. were not required yet because they were being boycotted.
I then ask how in the world dose some electricians think they can boycott the NEC. What are they going to do refuse to do elect. work until some one changes the code? Buy the things, put your mark up on them and keep going. What else are you going to do? I cant wait for the afci rule to take effect for us in Jan. 09.


Staff member
ceb58 said:
he had been told by some of the other electricians that the TR recp. were not required yet because they were being boycotted.
I then ask how in the world dose some electricians think they can boycott the NEC.

I am going to boycott circuit breakers and fuses, they add cost and they only are needed if something goes wrong.

chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
ceb58 said:
I ask for a box of rg6 and a box of TR receptacles.
Thats just plain wrong. I'm not even going to start listing the violations you have wiring TR recepticals with RG 6.:smile:


Senior Member
chris kennedy said:
Thats just plain wrong. I'm not even going to start listing the violations you have wiring TR recepticals with RG 6.:smile:

I hear you can get good cable reception on TR recepts.:D


Senior Member
ceb58 said:
....He then ask, do you really need the TR recpt.

To hell with that dink. You need it. He's supposed to suply what you need.

"Dude, get me what I need, I'll worry about compliance!"


Senior Member
frizbeedog said:
To hell with that dink. You need it. He's supposed to suply what you need.

"Dude, get me what I need, I'll worry about compliance!"

That's like the time I got in an argument with the lady at Home Depot over wire size and ampacities. Just sell me what I'm asking for and I'll worry about the rest.


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
FYI-- I think using the TR in that room is a wise choice but I don't believe it is required yet. The general assembly has not adjourned yet.-- I don't think so anyway.

ARTICLE 406.11
Delay effective date for NEC 2008:
406.11 Tamper-Resistant Receptacles in Dwelling Units. In all areas specified in 210.52, all 125-volt, 15-and 20-ampere receptacles shall be listed tamper-resistant receptacles.
Note: The Rules Review Commission received 10-written requests for Legislative review of this rule. The rule becomes effective on the thirty-first legislative day of the 2008 session of the General Assembly unless a bill that specifically disapproves this rule is introduced. The rule becomes effective on day of adjournment of the 2008 session of the General Assembly if a bill is introduced and not ratified.

Dennis Alwon PMed me with this. This is probably what they had in mind and not a boycott. I had not heard of this pending legislation ( which is nothing new) Thanks Dennis

As for the rest of you clowns:D You can tell the week has finely wound down


Senior Member
ceb58 said:
Went into supply house this morning ( yes we have one open on Sat.:D )
The guy running the store this morning was the branch manager, very knowledgeable about his inventory, keeps up with code not your run of the mill counter help. I ask for a box of rg6 and a box of TR receptacles. He then ask, do you really need the TR recpt. Yes, were in NC, the 2008 code took effect June 1, Besides I am doing a room that will be a kids play room. He then tells me that he had been told by some of the other electricians that the TR recp. were not required yet because they were being boycotted.
I then ask how in the world dose some electricians think they can boycott the NEC. What are they going to do refuse to do elect. work until some one changes the code? Buy the things, put your mark up on them and keep going. What else are you going to do? I cant wait for the afci rule to take effect for us in Jan. 09.

I always attempted to never burn any bridges, especially with suppliers (and you did not say that you did).

Thank your manager for his advice, and procede with your usual compliant work.

In my orbit I usually received good advice from my inside salesmen, and even from countermen.

Best Wishes Everyone
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